Thursday, June 24, 2010

Miss E....the artist!

Emercyn has become quite the artist lately. She LOVES to color and does it all day long! She even got a blister on ther thumb a few weeks back. :) And I have to say, I'm rather impressed at how well she colors. She stays in the lines, and really pays attention to detail. AND she has gotten really good at writing her name too!! Just wanted to share some of her latest work! Enjoy!

Awww....Baby H!!

Our little Harper Belle is definitely a love bug! She hugs and cuddles on everything....EVERYTHING! I love it because she gives me the biggest hugs at random times, and a lot of times it's exactly what I needed at that moment! :) She loves all over Emercyn, which is absolutely adorable to see. But what's funny is that she literally will love on anything....water bottles, diapers, paper, her sippy cup, etc. She hugs and pats, then rocks, and sometimes kisses these things. And most of the time, she says "awww". :) SO CUTE if I do say so myself!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Pretty Princesses!

Lazy Weekend!

This weekend is our ONLY weekend this summer (I looked on the calendar) until August that we didn't have a single thing planned. So we took advantage of it! We cooked hotdogs on the grill for lunch, and ate outside on the back patio. The girls loved that! Then we let them play outside until naptime. Jason and I even took naps! :) It was a very relaxing and very enjoyable day!!

Poor Miss E!

So this weekend, at church, Emercyn got her first busted lip. Her bottom lip is busted, and her nose and the skin below her nose/above her top lip is skinned as well. We're still not sure what happened. She has told us 1)a little boy pushed her down, made her fall, and hit her face on the floor, and 2)she tripped and hit her face on the floor. Who knows!?!?!? But whatever happened, it sure made Mommy and Daddy sad! It took all I had to hold back the tears when I saw her! :( But she is such a big girl. When I asked her what happened she said, "I was such a big girl and didn't even cry!" Love her!

Thursday, June 10, 2010 update!!!

Just like the title says.....FINALLY! It's been WAY too long since I last updated. I just added several new posts and pics. Please check them out and look at the new pics of our sweet girls! You might even need to hit the "older posts" link at the bottom to see even more posts. The first post I started with during this update is HALLOWEEN.

Thanks to Jason's sister MARCI for giving me the desire to get this updated. I've been meaning to do so for a few months now, but just haven't had the time or motivation. You were just the motivation I need. So THANKS!!! :)

My goal is to keep up this motivation and updated weekly. I know, I know. I said that last time too! But this time I mean it! Really! The girls have such a busy and fun summer planned, so I will updated as often as possible. I also plan to update with a few of the things Jason and I have planned, which include a 4 day vacation we are taking the end of July!!


Harper Belle turns ONE!

We celebrated Harper's 1st birthday in April with a cupcake theme! The party was in the fellowship hall of our church and it was a hit! Harper was all decked out in an adorable cupcake party outfit. And did I mention Emercyn and I dressed the part too??? We had a custom cupcake shaped birthday cake to serve , and I made her smash cake. It was also a cupcake shaped cake....strawberry, of course! The kids had a blast with the cupcake shaped pinata, and they each took home a bag of candy! We also sent each child home with cupcake shaped cookies we had custom made by one of Emercyn's teachers at school.

Baby H got some great gifts too! Lots of fun toys and adorable clothes! Thanks so much to all of our friends and family for helping us celebrate this wonderful day!!!!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Harper Belle!

I feel like I need to brag on my sweet baby for just a moment! A lot of the posts are about Emercyn, but please know Baby H has been up to lots of wonderful things herself! Emercyn is at the age where she can actually participate in activities, so I have lots of things to say and lots of pictures.....but our sweet Baby H has been very busy too! :)

She is SUCH a good baby. She made going from one child to two so incredibly easy for us. She is so laid back, so content, and so happy. She's a fantastic eater and sleeper, and just really seems to go-with-the-flow on most everything. Jason and I are constantly finding ourselves amazed at how well she adapts to new things. LOVE her!!! And she and Emercyn just adore each other. It's so sweet and so precious to watch. Emercyn just hugs and kisses on her, and Harper follows her everywhere. She's always wanting to do whatever her Big Sister is doing. Cute, cute!

She's not walking yet, but she's EVERYWHERE. She crawls at super fast speeds, and cruises and "walks" around anything and everything she can. She also has learned a few new words recently. She has been saying "mama" and "dada" for a few months now, but over the last couple of weeks she has started saying more. She now says "all done", "uh oh", "ball", and "up". And just this morning she said the word "book" when she saw some books in my hand! Emercyn's been working with her on saying "sissy", but so far she hasn't picked that one up yet! I love this stage!

She also does a few baby signs. We taught these to Emercyn when she was this age, and it really helped with our communication. In fact, Emercyn still remembers these signs. She does them with Harper too! :) Harper knows "more", "milk", and "all done".

Harper loves to play games....pat-a-cake and peek-a-boo are her favs! Just say "where's Harper?" and she covers her eyes, all ready to play!

She's a very curious baby.....much more so than Emercyn was at this age. We learned that fast! We have a rather large coffee table, and underneath we kept all of our magazines. Not once did I have to move those magazines when E was a baby. Same goes with all of the photo albums and picture frames we had sitting on a bookshelf. Emercyn never touched them. We have had to completely clear out the bookshelf and coffee table this time around. Harper is just so curious! It drives us crazy, but at the same time we love it! It's wonderful to see her explore everything! :)

Water Babies!

Recently, Jason's parents stayed at a hotel we visited them and took advantage of their indoor pool!!! The girls had a blast! I think Gramma and Grandad did too! :)

The girls LOVE to play in the water.....any kind of water. Sometimes, Harper even cries when it's time to get out of the bathtub! We bought them a little baby pool (with a tiny slide attached), and they are having a blast playing in it. Also, I signed them both up for swim classes in July. Emercyn took a class when she was Harper's age. She loved it! I just know Harper will too. Emercyn's class this year is actual swimming lessons. I hope she does well!

Bible School

Emercyn attended her very first Vacation Bible School this year. The theme is "The High Seas Expedition", and one day was "dress like a pirate" day. Oh boy! We had fun with that! I had to get my creative ideas in gear (thanks to a friend's suggestion!!!)....but we pulled it off! I even drew a mustache on Miss E's face! She LOVED that!

Emercyn truly enjoyed her first experience with VBS!!!! Jason and I both have fond memories of our time at VBS, so we are excited that our girls are going to be making these wonderful memories too!!

School Days

In May, Emercyn finished her first year of "school" at Mother's Day Out. She had such a great time and truly enjoyed herself. She learned SO much!!!! The teachers there were amazing! They have a preschool program for 4 year olds at this school, so we enrolled her for this coming fall. She misses the pre-k cutoff by 3 weeks, so we decided preschool will be good for her. She's so eager to learn, and this will prepare her for pre-k. She will be going 3 days a week, Monday-Wednesday-Friday.

Emercyn became great friends with a little girl named Camden. If you ask her who her best friend is, she will say "Camden"! :) Her mom and I have asked that Emercyn and Camden be in the same preschool class next year. Also, they will both be attending Maple Elementary (a school right outside of El Reno). So hopefully their friendship will continue to flourish over the years! She's the little, curly, blonde haired girl in the picture above with Emercyn.

Mother's Day

This was second Mother's Day with TWO babies!

I had a wonderful day. It was perfect! After church, we went out to eat. Then we came home and took a nap! :) It's great when Mommy gets a nap too! For supper, Jason cooked out on the grill. I got to spend the entire day with the two precious people that made me a Mommy! I love you Miss E and Baby H!!!!


What a wonderful Easter we had! On Saturday we visited the Easter Bunny at Bass Pro Shop. The girls loved it! On Easter Sunday, after church, we went to my mom and dad's house to have lunch. Mattie and Emercyn hunted Easter eggs, while Mya and Harper played in the grass. I LOVE holidays and LOVE to dress the girls in holiday clothes. I couldn't find any cute Easter shirts, so I made them some.....cute tees with Easter eggs!

And of course, I got the girls matching Easter dresses! :)