Friday, August 31, 2007

months four-six.....

Month Four:

Sleeping began to be a crazy mess again! We were gone for about a week over Christmas break visiting family, and she decided she hated sleeping unless she was in her own bed. We came back home from the visit, and it was like we were back at day one. I had made myself a promise that I wasn't going to hold her in the recliner again.....simply because I had this vision of her being 16 years old and me holding her all night long in our little recliner. This was not something I wanted to happen! So, we continued to swaddle and rock......and eventually she would sleep, although not all night long. She woke up about every 2 hours to eat. I eventually got used to this routine. I could get a solid 2 continuous hours before waking each night....not bad, I thought. :) I could handle this as long as it wasn't in the recliner!! This month Emercyn and I also joined a mom's group out of Yukon. What a blessing that was! I've made some great friends, and Emercyn absolutely enjoys her playtime with the other babies!!
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Month Five:

Still swaddling....still waking every 2 hours. Emercyn had reached the weight limit on the bassinett, so we decided to move her into her own room. She would sleep in her crib! I'm one of those moms that was totally freaked out by this. I liked the fact that she was in the same room as me, and now she would be all the way across the hall. We have a tv monitor, so I can still see her.....but it's not the same. This was a HUGE step for me! She handled it fine. This month she also learned to sit all by herself.....totally unsupported! What a big girl! At 5 & 1/2 months we started baby cereal too! Boy, oh boy! She loved that! By this month, she was nursing every 3 hours during the day and every 2 hours at night. I also started watching one of my good friend's little boys. His name is Braxton. He was almost 5 at the time. Emercyn LOVES him!! She had a playmate every day!!
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Month Six:

Still swaddling.....still waking every 2 hours. This month we started our first solids!! I made all her food myself....totally homemade. It was so simple, so much cheaper than store bought, and much healthier! She loved sweet potatoes, carrots, apples and pears. She also said her first word this month...."mama"!! It was in the middle of the night, and Jason and I woke up to her saying it!! I thought it was a fluke, but she hasn't stopped saying it ever since!
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